Sunday 30 November 2008

Busy Weekend

Well, it's been a jam packed weekend. I don't seem to have stopped. We're thick and white with frost in this part of the world, bu it doesn't seem to have stopped Rich, who has been up and working at 6.30 the past two mornings. As a consequence, it doesn't really feel as though I've seen him much, but the productivity does make up for that. The bus is having its off peak tlc session....this year with a few new panels, a new braking system and a fresh coat of paint. She looks so sad, sitting on the drive dressed in her grey primer.....a far cry from her former purple glory. But the purple started to flake, so it must be done, I suppose.

I've spent the weekend chained to the kitchen, which I must say has been a pleasure. Nothing better than baking next to a warm oven when its cold outside. So the Christmas Cake, Pudding, 2 dozen mince pies, a lemon madeira, a dozen scones, and a tinful of little almond biscuits are all done. The winter broad beans are sown on the windowsill, washing is done, floors are swept and the stove top has been cleaned. And about time on the last count!! So I can finally sit down with a cuppa and my knitting. Little cardigan for Jaya, and a pair of handwarmers for Rich. Even next to the furnace, his hands are still frozen blue. Gloves aren't any good, as he needs as much dexterity with his fingers as possible. He made the most beautiful candle sconce for the hall today, steel, with copper oak leaves and acorns. I can't decide where to put it yet though.

Last night we went to the Ludlow Castle Mediaeval Fayre. And fabulous night out it was too, as always. They make such an effort, and particularly for the little ones. We saw a wonderful puppet show, themed around the turning of the seasons for a mediaeval man. It was accompanied by a girl playing a hurdy gurdy and 'narrated' by a Green Man, that was an amazing moving mask (manipulated from the inside) made of green leather leaves. It was both hilarious and very poignant. We also saw the Plantagenet Knights doing their weapons demo's and melee. My boys LOVED it, and have spent the day today bashing at each other with wooden swords and shields. One of the men let Bobby try on some of his mail, gauntlets and armour. There was one happy little boy. I managed to pick up a few Christmas presents and a brilliant night was had by all, albeit evocatively cold and frosty.

I am going to retire to my knitting now, as the little ones are safe in bed, Iris is drawing and Rowan and Joe are outside enamelling some jewellery Rich has been making. that said I've got a sack of fleece to card. Oh well, looks as though Jaya's cardi will have to wait.......

Oh yes and we had the most beautiful sunset as I was walking home this evening, although the photo doesn't do it justice


Gina said...

Wow, your DP is so talented, that really is so beautiful! Loved reading about your busy weekend :)

Michelle said...

How do you manage to do all that? I struggle to get things done with just one child! You're a star.

You have my dream vehicle, at the moment all I have are a couple of models, I can dream until I get that lottery win lol.

Claire said...

That sconce is gorgeous, well done Rich. I'm glad someone got a picture of the sunset, we had a gorgeous one here too, but I had no camera with me, and by the time we got home it was too dark :(

Sounds a lovely weekend.