Thursday, 11 December 2008


Finally finished some knitted dollies for mine and other people's littlies. Get my very posey photography! Yay!


Gina said...

Wow, they are fantastic!Really amazing. I want one, are you taking orders?!

Unknown said...

Me too! Me too! Fantastic


Michelle said...

Can I add my name to the list lol. They are beautiful. I wish I could make something like that. T could love one, at the moment she just has to put up with my knitted efforts!

That's such a shame about the house, not being awful but I hope the decision comes back to bite the sellers on the arse. People can be so stupid and money grabbing. There will be something better around the corner though, my grandad was a great believer that things happen for a reason and I think that's true.

Hope you find something soon.


nocton4 said...


Michelle said...

Where did you get the pattern, I'd love to have a go at them.

rosa said...

its a bit of a mish mash and some is completely made up by me lol! They started with a free pattern from Knitting Pattern Central, but I did a few prototypes and changed some bits, and then made one using some yarn I've spun/ plant dyed recently and voila! THis is the result. I'll make another and write it down as I go, then I can post the pattern for anyone who'd like it. And for any requests, I'm taking orders again after christmas. I've only just managed to get the holiday ones out on time this year!!
R xx

Laura said...

Happy new year!

Such sweet dolls. x

Unknown said...

wow, I would love to make something like this! One day...